داستان آبیدیک

weathering rind


1 تاریخ:: پوسته هوازده

Weathering rinds are zones of oxidation, hydration, hydrolysis or solution forming parallel to clast surfaces and their thickness is a function of time (Carroll, 1974; Colman, 1981; Colman & Pierce, 1981; Crook, 1986; Gellatly, 1984). The growth rate of weathering rinds can be quantified for a given rock type under given climatic conditions if it can be calibrated by another Although their hypothesis was subsequently refuted (Bednarik, 1992), they correctly recognized that weathering rind thickness is a function of surface geometry, and that this aspect is the cause of wane formation (see below). Even weathering rinds with some iron patination have been so misidentified at times (e.g. The second type includes particularly ''geochemical or geomorphologi- cal'' approaches, using such phenomena as micro- erosion, surface retreat, weathering rinds, wanes, and possibly luminescence and others.

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